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Volume 01, Issue 49: Take Responsibility for the Bad in Your Life

It would be nice if we got to choose all that happens to us. But the reality is that we do not get to determine all the events in life. However, the response to life’s events is purely our prerogative. How we respond to those events determines our outcome. If you do not like the outcome, do not blame the events. Take an inner look and evaluate your responses.

In the face of unpleasant circumstances, the best news ever is the realization that the outcome of those circumstances is entirely up to you, and not the circumstances. Nothing and no one but you can manipulate the outcome of the events in your life. This knowledge offers the much needed hope that it can still be alright after all. It changes everything, doesn’t it? It is not what others do to you but how you respond to what they do that determines your ending. It is not what happens to us but how we respond to it and draw lessons from those experiences that determine where we end up.

What do you do when storms of life threaten to consume you? How do you respond? Do you volunteer yourself to be a victim of your circumstances? Every circumstance affords a choice of response. Every time a circumstance of life attempts to do you in, think of all the choices available to you. People may hurl their trash on you. Don’t keep them. Shake them off and move on. Life may throw you in a pit, but you don’t have to stay there. If you make the right choices, you can come out ahead of the game, smelling like a rose.

Your may have your dreams shattered, or your hopes dashed, or your heart broken, or your finances wrecked, but you still have a choice. You still get to choose what becomes of you. No one has to live with other people’s choices. Make your own choices in the face of daunting circumstances. Turn the tables around and take control over your circumstances. Rather than give in to it and allow it to consume you, embrace your pain and squeeze life out of it.

Take responsibility for the bad in your life. You are the only person responsible for your outcome. Taking control over circumstances that seem to darken your life will give you a greater competitive edge. Make the right choices in the storms that test the depth of your ideals. Many through adversity have soared to heights of lasting success. Given your limiting circumstances, recognize your choices and act on them.

Determine not to be a victim of circumstances. Embrace the power within you to enable you to see your circumstances clearly, make choices wisely and come out triumphant. Though you encounter many defeats in life, you must not be defeated. Remember struggling is not the same as failing, and a great man or woman is great whether thriving or broken.

Lillian Chebosi





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