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Volume 01, Issue 50: Losses are Inevitable, but Misery is Optional

Life may deal you harshly, giving you opportunities to be bitter about your lack or loss, and wallow in depression and self-pity, ignoring opportunities around you for joy. Nothing could lead you faster to the house of misery than a self-destructive attitude.

Some people manage to look good on paper despite what is going on beneath the surface. They never let others see them sweat. This is a winning approach to life. It is all about having immovable faith no matter what is happening around you. What do you do when life hands you a bowl of lemons? 

The great do not give in easily to crisis. They do not allow it to change their demeanor. They understand disappointments and setbacks are inevitable, but misery is optional. Don’t be bowed by your pain. Rather, learn to transfer pain into a positive thing. Let not your circumstances walk all over you. Master the art of living over your circumstances.

When jammed in a crisis, don’t get caught up in wanting to tell everyone about your problem, broadcasting your misfortunes to the world so to speak. Quietly search for a solution instead, before getting everyone excited. If all attempts fail, resign yourself to your loss and weather it by continuing your life gracefully.

Those who weather the storms of life and stand the test of time and tribulation eventually receive the honour due to them. There is a tree that grows in the mountainside in Lebanon that has been cruelly broken by the strong winds that rage against the side of these enormous hills time and time again. In their brokenness, they grow anyway, releasing resin to patch the break. They grow tall in spite of the elements that threaten to destroy them. Over time, the cedars of Lebanon gained the reputation for being the strongest of woods.

Adversity is the refiner of integrity and character. Allow your trouble to birth a graciousness in you. Become truly great by bowing under the weight of your pain and then rise from the ashes, smoothing your garments to continue on your way. Never breaking, always bending and lifting yourself to a place higher than you were before. Determine to survive and excel against all odds. Like the cedar, bow but don’t break, releasing what you need to in order to heal yourself, enduring the trials of life and turbulent conditions.

When disappointment comes, walk softly and resist the urge to submerge yourself in your pain. Rather, turn your focus on the solution and pursue it. Don’t give room for bitterness but arise with grace to embrace even those that you see as the source of your pain. Stand in the face of tribulation keeping your eyes on the true source of strength and restoration, and believe that all will be well.

Purpose to live life gracefully at all costs, weathering life’s difficulties with your head held high. Embrace and use pain to make you stronger. Given your misfortune, don’t give up the fight to bring your dream back to life.

Lillian Chebosi





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