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Volume 01, Issue 51: Celebrate Others

God has given each of us different strengths so that we can make distinctive contributions to the world. As you play your part, you should not expect everyone else to have your strengths. Instead, we must value each other’s contributions because nobody can do it all. You must never belittle someone else’s contribution.

We shouldn’t be overly concerned with the limelight being just on us. It’s not just about you. Others around you are making commendable strides on their journeys. Stop and notice with delight, and while you are at it, be sure not to keep it from them. We must nurture the attitude of being genuinely happy for other people’s accomplishments.

You are not the only one entitled to enjoy good tidings. God is in the business of blessing people and he is no respecter of persons. So don’t get astounded when others around you prosper. Gladly celebrate other people’s good fortune without a twinge.

Graciously give credit where it is due and celebrate the victory of others without drawing undue attention to yourself. Within the teams that you work in, learn to always congratulate others for a job well done.

Give praise where it is due. Everyone responds to praise, people and God alike. So don’t be stingy with your praises. It costs you nothing and it enriches the lives of those around you. Be open with your admiration without arousing jealousy and covetousness in yourself.

Celebrating other people’s successes is a strength that we should all embrace. It says we are mature and confident in ourselves enough to openly acknowledge the accomplishments of others with genuine elation. We shouldn’t be intimidated by the success of others. People who can’t celebrate others are insecure about themselves.

Learn how to empower those in your life by celebrating the contributions they make and magnifying even their small advancements to spur them on to greater heights. Be driven to draw out the best in others by being aware that you are only as great as those who surround you.

Lillian Chebosi




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