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Volume 02, Issue 05: Unclutter Your Life

Are you finding yourself all over the place, running around doing everything you presume to have time and energy for, things other people want you to do? How sane is your schedule? Spreading yourself too thin makes it impossible for you to have an impact significant enough to make a difference.

Knowing your purpose simplifies your life in a big way. It defines what you do and what you don’t. Your purpose becomes the benchmark you use to evaluate which activities are essential for you and which ones are not. It is impossible to do everything people want you to do. You just have enough time to do what is rightfully in your plate. Purpose-driven living leads to a simpler lifestyle and a saner schedule.

Knowing your purpose focuses your life more than anything else. It concentrates your efforts and energy on what is important. Intentionally choose what to do and what to reject. It is only by being selective that you become effective.

There is nothing quite as compelling as a simplified and focused life, one lived on purpose. Stop trying to do it all. Cut back even on activities that seem good, and do only that which matters most to you. Its only when you simplify and focus your life that you will find it to have a meaningful impact.

Develop yourself along the lines of virtues that matter, doing only those things that bring meaning to you, and about which you are enduringly passionate, and give you the greatest return. To be on purpose means doing what you love to do, doing what you are good at and accomplishing what is important to you. These cannot be more than just a few things.

Lillian Chebosi




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