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Volume 02, Issue 06: Staying Collected in the Company of a Fool

What do you do when someone in your life is a fool? How do you maintain your cool in the company of a fool? Foolishness is highly contagious because a fool can really make you lose your composure, put you in a place where you want to give them a dose of their own medicine.

When in the company of a fool, it is easy to act like a fool yourself. The person could be insensitive, or critical, or sarcastic, or abusive. Whatever it is, you cannot fall prey to the madness. Refuse to go there. Do not allow the foolishness of others to bring out the fool in you or cause you to lose your temper.

Exercise self-control when dealing with a fool. Desist from reacting to the foolishness in the fool in your life in a disparaging manner. Rather, determine to remain calm and collected in the midst of the madness.

Foolish actions have consequences. A fool’s foolishness is no excuse for bad behavior for you. No one can make you do anything. Therefore, you cannot blame your foolish actions on others. Even when others push your buttons to the point of losing control, you will not get away with saying "they made me do it." If we replace the seeds of foolishness in our own hearts with wisdom, we won’t have to worry about acting out of character when confronted with the foolishness of others.

Self-control does not always feel good. Sometimes we just want to give the person who has insulted or aggravated us a piece of our mind, not realizing that with that goes our peace of mind as well. In such a situation, you would be better off letting the other person revel in their foolishness while you remain a mature observer.

It is pointless to argue with a fool, to correct or tell off a fool, to push their buttons, or defend yourself before a fool. A fool is always right in his own eyes. Leave a fool to argue with himself. Maintain a reputation for great poise despite the kind of person or situation you have to constantly deal with. Don’t allow a fool to turn you into a fool or the victim of one.

Lillian Chebosi




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