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Volume 02, Issue 08: First Impressions Are Lasting Ones

For most opportunities in life, you have only one shot to get the attention of the people with the power to promote you. You’ve got to be ready for the camera when the lights go on. Prepare yourself to make a good first impression in the areas you want to leave your mark.

It could be a job you are seeking, a promotion, a valued position, or even a spouse. When opportunity meets preparation, things happen. Doors open, favour is released, a promotion is extended to you, or a proposal is made to you, depending on whatever it is you are seeking.

You must know how to dress the part. In order to win friends and influence people, you must put your best face, as well as best foot, forward. You must make a good first impression, because first impressions are lasting ones.

What importance do you place to your physical appearance? How you look, in terms of the attire and accessories you present yourself in before people in a position to advance your standing in life matters. The first impression they get of you may determine whether or not they extend to you the opportunity you are qualified for.

People look at what is obvious to the eye. Your exterior should complement the genius you present to the table. Always dress from your head to your shoes as if you are one complete picture, then select the profile you want to present. Everything should work in harmony to put you in the best light.

First impression is not just about your physical appearance. Sometimes it is how you behave yourself. You could be new in a group but hold back your involvement in the affairs of the group. You could do this by either sitting back and fail to contribute ideas; or not showing up for functions to offer support by your presence; or you could hold back volunteering your skills, or committing your resources to support the group. If the group was considering extending an opportunity to you, they are likely to revoke that consideration on the account of your laid back stance.

How confident are you when you appear before a panel of interviewers, or an audience that will evaluate your performance at the end of your presentation? The first impression you make may determine whether or not you get another opportunity, or even a long-term engagement.

Make a good first impression and enroll yourself as a viable candidate to a host of exciting opportunities.

Lillian Chebosi




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