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Volume 01 Issue 07: Charisma in Greatness

Listening to the speeches of the likes of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, US President Barrack Obama, Our Prime Minister Raila Odinga, we may be drawn to interpret that leadership is only for those with charismatic abilities. You may look at yourself and admit to having no pinch of charisma and subsequently disqualify yourself from greatness. That on the grounds that you can’t draw a crowd’s attention to yourself, you cannot be great. But what really is charisma? Is it standing at the podium and speaking to people? Real charisma is not about impressing people but being other people minded. Dr. Martin Luther King’s historic speech “I Have a Dream” was not about impressing people but the expression of his deep felt commitment for the freedom of his people. It is not charisma that makes you great. It is your gift. Everybody is charismatic when operating in their gift. When you do that which you love to do, that which you were built for, that which you passionately relate to, you cannot help it but be charismatic. The honors is then to get in touch with yourself and identify your gift. There’s that one thing that gives you the greatest satisfaction when you do; that you do with ease/naturally; and that you can be the best at. When you discover it, you will realize that you too are charismatic whenever you get an opportunity to operate in it. The Bible reiterates that your gift will make room for you and bring you before great men. Doesn’t it then mean that we receive the most fulfillment, recognition and reward when we operate in our gift? Due to the dynamics of life it is a given that we do not operate in our gift all the time. But it certainly would serve us well if we took every opportunity to maximize the times we operate in our gift.

Lillian Chebosi


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