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Volume 02, Issue 11: Develop Daily Disciplines

A life lived with self-discipline for predetermined results is not an easy one, but the rewards of continual growth are worth the effort. It is the unwavering desire to be better that give us the staying power – a reason to get up every morning to do it all over again.

Ask yourself what you really want in life. Clearly establish why you want it, and then determine what you must do to achieve it. Athletes provide us with a good example. Having determined to win the race, they push themselves in training everyday in preparation for the race.

With time, your disciplines become part of the values you live by. Select your disciplines carefully, for your life will consist of the disciplines you choose to emphasize. Practice them consistently and they will add to your stature as an individual and distinguish you from the masses.

Schedule the things you want to do, for only what gets scheduled gets done. Be constantly aware that you must make things happen for the desired results. If you sit and hope that the right things will fall in place, you will in essence be letting life happen to you. Act on life instead of letting life act on you. Unless we become intentional in the way we glean and apply lessons in life, the growth that transforms will elude us.

We cannot sustain growth without consistent habits. Many achievers credit consistency in certain disciplines for their success. There may not be anything spectacular about my daily habits. What matters to me is that they produce my desired results. What are your daily habits?

Which activities generate the most passion within you? Where do you experience the most fulfillment, growth and return? Focus on that and consistently devote your efforts there. Develop daily disciplines around it. The kind of person you become is largely determined by the activities you choose to emphasize.

Lillian Chebosi




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