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Volume 02, Issue 12: Evaluate Your Habits

As we reflect and carry out self evaluation in these last days of the year, let’s consider the activities we have been undertaking on our personal development journey this year. As we do, let’s ask ourselves these pointer questions.

What should I continue doing? This is a question of the things that maintain my momentum for personal development. Among the activities we undertake, progress demands that we continue doing what produces desired results.

What should I start doing? This is a question of the things that enhance my momentum for personal development. It is not that hard to start something new that promises a better future. Notwithstanding what we are used to, we ought to go with what works.

What should I stop doing? This is a question of the things that hinder my momentum for personal development. It is easy to continue doing what we have always done. What is difficult is to identify and discontinue what holds us back. To progress, we must deal with habits that no longer serve us as they used to. We must drop what no longer works and go with what works.

It is not just disparaging habits that we need to cut off. Sometimes we have to cut off some good habits, activities and company, who despite their appeal lead us on the road to nowhere. What are the seemingly good things that you have held onto that do nothing to progress you?

Do away with the actions that do not propel you towards the ideal of your values; and with the same zeal, embrace those that boost your values and have them lead you to a destination of a legacy that counts.

Lillian Chebosi











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