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Volume 02, Issue 13: It’s a New Dawn!

The beginning of a new year is very exciting. It presents us with a great opportunity for enhancement. We get to do a final evaluation of the past year, reflect on what worked well and what didn’t, and make action plans.

Just like we advance in years with every passing year, the commencement of a new year also presents us with the opportunity to increase and grow in all areas of life.

It’s a time to think and reflect. Try it. You will be surprised at the great ideas you will come up with. This time affords us the prospect to write yet another chapter of our lives. It’s a new dawn!

It’s more than just about making new year resolutions. We get to choose what we want. The excitement of the process and the ideas that we come up with give us the drive to go for our goals.

We get to decide what we want to continue doing; the actions, activities and habits that built us in the past year that we want to keep doing to maintain the momentum of growth. It’s time to look at what went well and build on past successes.

We get to choose what we want to start doing. If you are like me, this is the time you get really excited about the new things you have thought about and have decided to begin doing. These are the things you did not pay attention to before, that the privilege of learning and reflection have brought to your attention. Pondering over how much you are going to enjoy yourself doing these new things and how positively your life is going to be impacted is just what you need to set the ball rolling.

We get to choose what we want to cease doing. The thought of dropping some actions and habits that you thought you had to do, that suddenly you realize you don’t have to do anymore because they don’t work for you. Letting go of dead weight and baggage that do nothing to progress you is liberating. It feels great to say, "I am dropping this and that, or am no longer going to have to do this. It doesn’t fit the new chapter of my life."

It’s a new dawn! Embark on a journey full of potential for new prospects and triumphs. Before us is a new chance to have a go at not just getting it right all over again, but doing better.

Lillian Chebosi




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