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Volume 02, Issue 14: Cover the Basics First


As we take time to set goals for the New Year, let’s not get stuck on trying to come up with complex things to achieve, at the expense of the little things that make a big impact on day-to-day successful living.

As you list down your goals, consider starting with the little things that make all the difference in your life. These are of course different for everyone, for me they include daily reading, reflecting, recording, writing, and healthy living. Maybe you already got your little things sorted; they have become part of your daily routine. Nonetheless, list them as the things you want to continue doing, lest they find their way out of your radar.

Prioritize on covering the basics first. If we get these right, we afford ourselves room to reach for the big goals, the ones that force us out of our comfort zones. You can’t suppose to successfully run the marathon if your regular work out is not yet covered. I can’t expect to write a book if I haven’t mastered the art of writing short paragraphs on a regular basis.

Once the basics are covered, go ahead and dream big. Dare to get out of your comfort zone. Don’t let the fear of failure stop you. After all, what’s the worst that could happen if you dream big and fail? What do you have to lose?

What’s the point of dreaming if you are only going to dream small? Aim high. Aim for the moon; you may not hit it but you will be happy to land among the stars. One of my goals last year was to write articles on personal development weekly without fail. I did that. Now I wish I had aimed higher. Who knows, maybe I could have gotten halfway writing my first book. Michelangelo once said that the greatest danger is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.

Let’s overcome our fears and aim for the seemingly impossible dreams. Esther, a fellow alumni at a school I attended recently aimed for her highest possible dream last year and she nailed it, against all odds. She released her first music album despite the fact that by the time she was making the goal she had not done voice training, written any concrete songs, leave alone recording.

Let’s go for it. We will achieve the big dreams by holding ourselves to a higher standard than anybody else expects of us.

Lillian Chebosi





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