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Volume 02, Issue 15: Action Planning

Having done the first phase of goal setting, next is the crucial phase of action planning. This is where we commit ourselves to action. We must determine the actions we need to take to achieve our goals.

We are sure to forget every wish that we do nothing to realize. We can believe all we want about what we want to accomplish, but until we determine the price we have to pay in every step of the way and start paying it, we are only fooling ourselves.

Make action plans for your goals. Plan to do something every day to make it happen. The important thing is to do something each day, even if you think it is a small thing. It is in the bits and pieces that the overall goal is realized.

You are more likely to achieve your goals if you have a plan; a road map of what you want to accomplish. Without action plans, goals are merely hopes and dreams. Break down your goals to the things you need to do quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily; and then commit to it to attain what you set out to do.

Set goals if you want to go far in life. In the absence of goals, you will never know what you are capable of achieving. Do not go through life without knowing the extent of your potential. Set goals and aim high. But don’t just stop at goal setting. Act on your goals. In life you end up possessing only that which you pursue.

The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score. Bill Copeland.

Lillian Chebosi



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