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Volume 02, Issue 20: A Credible Example


The best gift we can give ourselves is to be who we pretend to be. It is hypocritical to teach what we are not applying in our lives. As we share our learning with others, we should be careful to live out what we teach.

Leaders bear the greatest burden for accountability. Yet most of the time, the actions and behavior of some leaders contradict their words. When you offer those you lead a credible example, you won’t have to say much. You will have a faithful following because of your example.

As teachers, people are yearning for our example more than they want our lessons. A compelling example does more than any lesson. Model what you teach. Provide a compelling example to your apprentice.

Some of us judge others too harshly. When the dramas of public personalities come to the open, we are quick to condemn them for all manner of things. But, if the limelight were to be turned on us, we probably wouldn’t look any better. Judge others by the standard you use to judge yourself. Don’t excuse yourself of what you accuse others.

Are you subjecting yourself to the same standard you expect of your protégés? Don’t be hard on others while being easy on yourself. Expect more from yourself than you expect of others. Model your expectation. We shouldn’t require qualities in others that we do not possess. Nothing is stronger in influencing people than a good example.

I speak to audiences regularly. I would be dishonest to say that I live by everything I teach to the letter. Sometimes I am work in progress of the lessons I teach. However, I strive to reach the ideal of the lessons I teach, and I am not there yet. I realize that more than any lesson, my example counts for everything.

It’s not about perfection, but the consistency of your actions. Strive to be a credible example. The key to becoming a person worth emulating is to transform into one committed to living his or her learning. The best gift you can give to people looking up to you to be a good example.

Lillian Chebosi


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