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Volume 02, Issue 23: Happiness is an Inside Job

If you are like me, you know people who fault others for their unhappiness. There are people busy blaming their circumstances, relatives, and even the government for the lack of happiness in their lives. It is always someone’s fault that things are not working for them.

Well, it’s nobody fault. And the worst part is that this attitude offers no solution to their status. And while they waste time at this blame game, they lose opportunities to do what they can to do to find fulfillment.

Your happiness is nobody’s responsibility; it’s entirely up to you to be happy. Although our loved ones bring happiness into our lives, it is not your spouse’s or children’s job to make you happy. You are responsible for being happy, the world does not owe you anything. The government doesn’t owe you a job. And even if it gave you one, you would probably still be unhappy, because it is not a job or money that makes one happy.

Happiness depends on your personal development. When you do the things that make you feel strong and successful, you will spend your days happy. When you find the things that God wired you to do and discipline yourself to do them, you will be happy. When you make it a priority to feed your mind every day with material that build and inspire you, you will be happy. When you make spiritual development a priority by disciplining yourself to spend quality time in prayer and in the word of God, you will be happy. When you find and create opportunities to do the things you love to do, you will be happy.

When you get established in these things, then where you are and what people around you are doing or not doing for you become irrelevant. You will find joy and fulfillment in your preoccupations. You will look forward to each day because you will be happy with your life. Your loved ones may still not regard you the way you want them to, but you will be happy anyway.

Personal development helps you discover who you are and what God build you to do and love to do. When you do, you will find ways to concentrate your work in line with what you love to do, the activities that strengthen you. You will make it upon yourself to surround yourself with people who build and motivate you, and stay away from those who belittle your ambition and bring you down.

Happiness is an inside job. Being satisfied and fulfilled in life is about personal development. Quit blaming others and your circumstances for your unhappiness. Arise and develop yourself, then you will be undoubtedly happy.

Lillian Chebosi




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