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Volume 02, Issue 25: Build on the Best you Have

How do we play to our strengths if we don’t believe that our strengths would make a difference? There is a reason why our make-up draws us to certain things and repels us from others. Each of us is wired to do certain things exceptionally well, and have fun in the process.

The absence of belief in our strengths and the pressure to improve our fault lines keeps us busy patching up cracks; to make us at least good, if not average at everything. And we label this self development.

Self development is about improving our strengths, not our weaknesses. We can only go so far in trying to improve our weaknesses. Fixing our weaknesses isn’t the way to go. We would never be great by patching up our weaknesses, because we could never be the best at them regardless of how much we improved. However, there’s endless room for improvement when it comes to developing our strengths.

We grow most where we are already strong. Our weaknesses will never become our areas of greatest opportunity. This does not mean that we ignore our weaknesses but we need not spend immoderate amounts of time trying to convert them into strengths. They will never be.  Build on your strengths and manage around your weaknesses.

Personal development is building on the best you have; your strengths, not your weaknesses. Dare to go against the grain and play to your strengths. Believe in your natural abilities and passions, and work hard at developing them into finely polished competencies; then make your contribution to the world with them.

Lillian Chebosi


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