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Volume 02, Issue 26: Explore Your Passions

Playing to our strengths is living on purpose. It is about doing what we love to do, what we can do well and accomplishing what is important to us. That may be more than one thing for each of us.

I was elated when I realized that we are not wired to love to do just one thing. Each of us may have one overreaching passion, but neatly tied to our overall purpose is a set of other passions. Don’t limit yourself to your first discovery. Explore your passions and find channels of expressing them in living out your purpose.

Your skill of applying your gift grows with learning and practice. Over time as we employ our gifts, the channels for their expression changes and expands, but our purpose remains the same. Allow yourself room for flexibility in the expression of your gift.

Choose to lead a fulfilling life, a life you love and feel great about. Embrace purpose-driven living. Pursue the positive desires of your heart while you work hard at developing your passions to transform them into finely polished competencies.

Lillian Chebosi


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