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Volume 06, Issue 05: Get in on the Good Life

Why is it not enough to read a good book once? We certainly can read through the Bible in a year. Why do we have to read the same text year after year, over and over again? We read over and over again to master the material enough to be transformed by it.

Knowing faith comes by hearing, Jesus spent hours teaching and dialoguing with his disciples. He taught his students success principles derived from spiritual laws in order to build their faith in their ability to make a difference in the world. He knew it would take constant exposure to the light to finally turn on in them.

If our success hinges on our thoughts and words, then we must fill our minds with great thoughts. To have great thoughts we must plant and nurture them from what we read and hear.

It’s not enough to hear something important only once or a few times. Like with Jesus’ students, it will take constant exposure to light for it to finally turn on in us. We must keep reading and hearing success principles to fill our minds with successful thoughts.

In the voyage from Egypt to the Promised Land, Joshua and Caleb stood out in their entire generation. Their brethren died in the wilderness while they lived to take possession of the land alongside a younger generation. The secret to their success was adherence to God’s specific instructions to Joshua about how to secure success, prosperity and victory over every adversary.

God instructed Joshua to meditate on his Word day and night so that it would fill his heart, mind and mouth. Then he commanded him to be strong and courageous.

Right from the onset, God made it a priority to address the issue of Joshua’s mind. No other instructions or strategies took precedence over what occupied Joshua’s thoughts.

Until Joshua’s mind and mouth only thought and spoke God’s word, Joshua could not have any hope of being strong and of good courage.

What’s preoccupying your thoughts? Is it making you successful? Don’t be among those who miss out on success for lack of knowledge. Saturate your mind with great substance. Be in the know, unlock God’s secrets for you, and get in on the good life.

Lillian Chebosi