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Volume 10, Issue 40: You're Fit For The Job

Today I saw something I wrote in my journal 5 months ago. It must have been informed by something I read from a study. I can't recall which study it was but it must have been very impactful to me. Here is what I wrote down;

"I am fit for the job. God could have chosen anyone to be the parent of my daughter and my son. But He didn't choose just anyone; He chose me! I will remain involved in their lives, engaged and an all-in parent. I will dream big for them, pray like mad, and never give up hope. I will remind myself that no matter how hard I work at being the best mom, my daughter and son are human beings with free will. They can and will mess up - more than once."

Then I wrote this prayer, "Father I ask You to lead every area of my life so that my daughter and son will see the joy and fulfillment that You alone can bring. Help me keep my cool, and model your love and peace to them during both wonderful and awful moments, Amen."

As parents of teens and preteens, it's not always a joy ride walking the parenting journey. Our kids sometimes push our buttons real hard and we can have moments when we don't even like them. I know I have had a few of such moments with my oldest. Luckily those moments quickly pass and our hearts are once again flooded with love for the child.

What's important to note is that such awful moments are real and we don't do ourselves any justice denying them. What counts is how we carry ourselves during such moments. We must train ourselves to not verbalize what we are thinking when we have been pushed to the limit but rather remain firm and loving, calm and collected.

At such times, you could feel you don't have what it takes to parent your child. But that's far from the truth. God did not make a mistake in choosing you to be the parent of your child. You are fit for the job. So buckle up and continue parenting your child the best way you know how.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi