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Volume 12, Issue 34: He Answers

I have found that God always answers our prayers. He answers with a "Yes", a "No", or "Wait". He answers in accordance to His will for us. So don't shy away from asking. But after asking, leave it to God to do what He deems fit.

It's wonderful to look back to see a trail of answered prayers. It gives you confidence to trust God for the unknown future. It makes you rest assured that if He took care of you then, He will do it in your future. Because He is a God who never changes.

God not only answers the prayers we raise to him, He also answers prayers we have not yet prayed. He sees ahead of our need and makes arrangements to make happen what we would need when the time comes. I find this very astounding.

In the tenth chapter of the book of Joshua, we see God answering Joshua's bold prayer to make the sun stand still throughout the night as his army fought the Amonites. And just like you, I have seen God answer prayers for impossible situations in my personal life as well as around me.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi