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Volume 02, Issue 32: Personal Makeover I

Depending on our personalities, some of us hold on to things that no longer serve us, things that basically belong in the trash bin. Some of us hold on to the first bank accounts we ever opened when we got our first job or joined college, even when the bank is inefficient and has been outgrown by our needs. For some its old furniture, clothes, and if you are like me, you may still have your exercise books from college, if not high school!

We renovate our houses and offices from time to time; and sometimes we do a wardrobe makeover to give ourselves a new look. People are now doing metabolism makeover among other popular makeovers. But what about personal renovation? Just like renovating a house adds value to it, there certainly is value addition in taking time to take stock of our lives every now and then, see what we want to keep and what we want to throw out.

We see buildings under renovation covered up with sisal bags or iron sheets and wait in anticipation for the big reveal. When the covers are finally removed, we marvel at the transformation the building attains. Depending on where you are, it may be time to put up a mental sign that you are under renovation.

Personal renovation works wonders from the inside out. It has to do with all areas of life. Part of it is our relationships, finances, image, attitudes, the things we value, our habits, our lifestyles, our health, the way we spend our time, our preoccupations, the list is endless.

Is it time to build a better you? Consider asking yourself the following questions reflectively:

  • Which areas of my life do I need to mend?
  • Which areas of my life do I need to repair?
  • Which areas of my life do I need to restore?
  • Which areas of my life do I need to fix up?
  • Which areas of my life do I need to refurbish?

Then take action. Build a better you.

Lillian Chebosi



0 #2 Lillian Chebosi 2012-06-20 10:14
Thanks Maureen. My college exercise books have been served with an eviction notice:-)
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0 #1 Maureen Jepchumba 2012-06-20 10:09
Holding on to high school books, I am still throwing away my primary school books. You are not so badly off :-)

You've brought it down so well. Personal renovation we do forget mostly when it is key to productive leading.

I love your posts Lillian.
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