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Volume 03, Issue 04: Made for Excellence

Most of us are uncomfortable with mediocrity. This is because we are made for excellence. Are you often running late and feel terrible about it each time it happens? You probably can’t get away with submitting sloppy work. That is because that is not who you are.

Now that we have established that we have excellence on the inside, could you honestly say that you do your work with diligence and in the spirit of excellence?

How about your service to your family, or your ministry, even still, your countenance and appearance? How do you look on your day off, on the day you have no plans of leaving the house? Suppose something came up and you had to rush to the grocery store to pick something, would you change into something presentable, or would you just dash out as you are?

Do people have to pick after you - close and return files that you left open, pick towels that you left on the floor? A person of excellence returns things where they belong.

Present yourself with excellence. You should look good. Take care of yourself. Remember you represent the Almighty God, and He does not like sloppy, even around the house. Make sure you still look good for your spouse, for your children.

Excellence is in the little things. It’s the little foxes that spoil the vine. Pick up waste in the bathroom even when you are not the one who accidentally dropped it. Clean the top shelves in your pantry even though nobody sees it. Keep your car clean and in good condition.

Do the right thing not because someone is watching you, even when you don’t agree, even when you don’t think it’s necessary. Do it to honour God. Even in small areas, make sure you are representing God in an excellent way.

Let’s be true to ourselves and be persons of excellence. Go up higher. Have the affairs of your life and household running smoothly and efficiently. Get to work on time. Do more than is expected of you. Distinguish yourself – don’t just go with the flow, doing what everybody else is doing. You are called to be a cut above. Refuse to compromise, and you will find favour with God and man.

Lillian Chebosi



0 #1 Kenneth 2013-02-19 09:23
It was so inspirational
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