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Volume 05, Issue 11: Acknowledge God

Do your best to diligently seek God. Make seeking God part of your normal routine.  God is a re warder of those who diligently seek him.

See spending time with God as a priority, not an option. We draw strength, wisdom, and encouragement from spending time with God. We get refreshed and re-energized. In God’s presence, there’s fullness of joy.

Acknowledge God in all your ways – grocery shopping, preparing dinner, whatever it is you are doing. Life will go so much better; you will accomplish more, and be successful. You will come into an anointing of ease when you acknowledge God.

While brushing your teeth, thank God for the day, for a safe trip to work, for a great day at work. If you acknowledge God, he will go before you and make every path straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says to trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, he will show you which path to take/ he will direct and make straight your paths.

When you see your children, say, “Thank you God for giving me wonderful children”. Acknowledge God at the office. Something like, “God, thank you for your favour”. “Thank you that I excel in all I do”.

Under our breadth, in our thoughts, we should be talking to God. This is what praying without ceasing is all about. Acknowledge God throughout the day. Don’t wait for something to go wrong to start praying. Don’t wait to be in a matatu with thugs robbing passengers to start praying to be spared. Pray before hand, then maybe, you won’t be in that matatu to start with. The Spirit will probe you not to get in, to wait for the next one.

If you will acknowledge God before you go to the gym, you will get a good workout. While driving, thank God for the angels that are taking charge over you. Acknowledge God and he will give you more strength; take you further faster in your work.

Make it a priority to acknowledge God in all things. Acknowledging God is a sign of humility and dependency on God. Its saying, “God I need your help, give me strength through this work assignment, through this meal preparation, through this workout session”.

Make it a goal to seek God, to please him, to honour him. Do your best to diligently seek God, to give him first place in your life. Everything else rides on that. Everything else should come second to seeking God.

We have to see spending time with God as being vital to having a victorious life. Seek first – take time for God at the start of your day. We have got to see spending time with God as a priority, not an option.

Include God in every part of our lives. He is going to crown our efforts with success. We are going to bear much fruit, to be more productive, to accomplish more in less time.

Lillian Chebosi



0 #2 Lillian C 2015-10-26 21:19
True Beth. We continually set ourselves to make God's presence the primary thing in our lives. Everything else is secondary to his presence. This is seeking God's kingdom first before everything else.
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0 #1 Beth Mbuga 2015-10-08 04:56
Lillian, Asante sana. Thank you for reminding me to thank God in all of my daily activities. This is a great way to stay connected to Him throughout my day. I agree that making time to spend with God should be a priority. It is too easy to slip into a routine that does not carve out time for prayer and reading the bible. I was just studying the Sunday school lesson that I will be teaching this Sunday. I will be discussing the importance of balance with the children. We will be reading about what Jesus taught us about balance. We are all busy with so many activities each day but God should always come first. He is our number one priority. -Beth Mbuga
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