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Volume 07, Issue 01: It’s a New Season

Happy New Year! I sense that this is not just another new year, it is a new season! Every year is what we make it out to be. What do you discern for yourself in 2017?

It is a new season. God is a God of new things. He loves new things. God’s favour, grace, and mercies are new every morning. He gives us a new heart when we turn to him; he enters into a new covenant with us. When we drop the ball, God ushers us into a new season, a new beginning, a new opportunity.

New is not the usual common thing. This is not just a new year with business as usual. This is a new season. God is ushering us into newness. It’s up to you to take this as a new season, or just another new year.

When God says he will do a new thing, he is referring to something more glorious, more grander, more spectacular, bigger and better than before. God is doing a new thing in 2017. Don’t remain stuck in 2016. It is a new season. Don’t get wrapped up with what God did last year, however amazing the year was for you. Great and glorious things are in-store for us in 2017.

Perhaps you were blown away by God’s goodness in 2016, it was a glorious year for you. But there are new frontiers to reach for. God wants us to go to the next level. He will do a new thing. It’s a new season. To experience the new thing God is doing in 2017, forget the former things. Forget the glories of 2016. God wants to do even glorious things in 2017. It is a new season of growth and fruitfulness. Don’t bask in the glories of 2016. Reach out to God for a new thing in 2017.

Perhaps you have nothing to write home about 2016. It was probably the sloppiest year ever as far as you are concerned. It’s time to leave it behind you and take on new hope for a grand turnaround. It is a new season. Don’t let the disappointments of yesteryear keep you from the possibilities of the new year. Great and glorious things are up for grabs in this new season.

Make the most of opportunities in 2017. “See, I do a new thing. Do you perceive it?” Discern what God is doing in 2017. Maximize the opportunities that God will bring your way this year. Take a step of faith, step out of your comfort zone. Position yourself. Participate. Get in agreement with God.

2017 is not just another new year, it’s a new season. God is ushering us into a new season. Lay down the experiences of 2016. Forget the former things. God is doing new things in 2017. Reach out for new dreams, new beginnings and new frontiers. It’s a new season. Don't be left out. Wake up and smell the roses.

Lillian Chebosi



0 #2 Lillian Chebosi 2017-01-20 20:06
Enjoy your new season Dotty
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0 #1 Dotty 2017-01-20 14:39
Truly inspiring.
I already see my 2017 as a new year. God is already doing new things in me.
Be blessed Lily
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