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Volume 07, Issue 05: Celebrate Others

God has given each one of us different strengths and abilities so that we can make distinctive contributions to the world. As you play your part, be sure to value other people’s contributions.

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our world, we forget to pay attention to the people around us. Stop and notice other people’s contributions with delight, and while you are at it, be sure to not keep it from them. We must nurture the attitude of being genuinely happy for other people’s accomplishments.

Graciously give credit where it is due and celebrate the victories of others without drawing undue attention to yourself. Within the teams that you work in, learn to always congratulate others for a job well done. If your team members have done well, let them know that you have noticed their efforts and that you appreciate their dedication. Marshal them unto greatness. Your firmness combined with praise could get you the best team in your office, a winning team. Don’t be stingy with your praise.

Celebrating other people’s successes is a trait that we should all embrace. It says we are mature and confident in ourselves enough to openly acknowledge the accomplishments of others with genuine elation. Don’t be intimated by the successes of others. People who can’t celebrate others are insecure about themselves. Get over yourself and revel in other people’s successes.

When Job’s relatives and friends in the Bible learnt that God had blessed him, restored and doubled his fortunes after his great troubles, they went to celebrate with him, bearing generous house-warming gifts.

When you learn that your friends or relatives are doing well, maybe they got a promotion at work, their business is doing well, they have graduated from school, or they have succeeded in something they were pursuing, maybe God has blessed them with a house or a car or a new baby, pay attention to their achievement and congratulate them. Show them that you are happy for them. Let’s gladly celebrate other people’s good fortune without a twinge.

Learn to empower those in your life by celebrating the contributions they make and magnifying even their small advancements to spur them on to greater heights. It could be your child learning to do something new, applaud his efforts even before he perfects the art. Your applause will motivate him to want to do better. Be driven to draw out the best in others.

I have noticed in some homes, one child may be outstanding in their behavior, school performance and talents, while others not as obvious. Parents in such settings tend to pay attention to the ones trying to make it, always encouraging them and celebrating their small advancements; while unintentionally overlooking the outstanding child. This hurts the child. Even if she always gets A’s and it’s no big deal, celebrate her each time she reports that she got an A in her exam, or won another gold medal in her sporting activity.

Don’t be stingy with your compliments. If your spouse looks great, don’t just think it, tell them. Complement your children if you think they are well dressed today. Complement them for all the things they do well. Be generous with your praise, it reinforces positive behavior and boosts confidence.

There is a lady in my office I could complement every other day because she dresses really good every day. But I hold back some days for fear she may think I am weird. Yet giving a complement is such a simple act of generosity. Just thinking someone is looking great doesn’t bless them. Get over yourself and tell them.

Give praise where it is due. Everyone responds to praise, people and God alike. Don’t be stingy with your praise. It costs you nothing and it enriches the lives of those around you. Be open with your admiration without arousing jealousy and covetousness in yourself. Perhaps what they got is what you were expecting to get yourself. Being jealous won’t do you any good. Just be happy for their good fortune and trust God to send some your way.

Be generous with your compliments, with your praise. Challenge yourself to find something good to say about and to at least one person every day. Call up a relative and tell them something good you have remembered about them. You never know, your call could just be the encouragement they needed to hear to get going.

Lillian Chebosi




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