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Volume 10, Issue 27: Second Half

Every new day, every new week, and every new month of the year is an opportunity for a new beginning. But there's a special allure to the beginning of the second half of the year when it comes to finishing the year strong. This is because the beginning of the second half of the year gives us a wake up call that connotes that it's now or never if we are going to achieve the goals we set for ourselves.

I consider the beginning of the second half of the year just as crucial as the beginning of the year. It's an opportunity to reset the clock, to get things back on track and pick up the pace. If you are anything like me, by now you have a few things that you had a good handle on at the beginning of the year that you are not doing so well at any more. You have dropped a few balls and gotten sluggish in a few areas.

One of the things I have struggled with for a good part of the first half of this year since COVID happened is maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Before I started working from home, I left the office by 5pm and didn't handle any work related stuff until when I got back to the office the next morning. But working from home has made that quite a challenge to get right on a daily basis for the workaholic that I am.

The problem with blurring the lines of work life and home life is that by working longer, we wind up with less of ourselves available to give to our home lives. Thereby dropping the ball in our personal goals categories. Something always loses when another gets more than it should, or more than is truly available for it.

As I sit at the precipe of the second half of 2020, I am enthused with the desire to finish strong. I don't want to come to the end of the year and think I could have done better, or I could have nailed that. You and I have the opportunity to reset the clock right now and finish the year strong, having done all that we set out to do, and having accomplished all that we know we can.

So, which of your goals for this year are you failing at thus far? Which balls have you dropped along the way? What have you gotten sluggish at? Do you need to reset the clock, pick up the pace, get some stray balls back in the game? Be honest with yourself. Admit your struggles and become intentional about winning your game for 2020.

Just like in a football match, it's half time. Far from the end of the match. I have watched many matches where the losing team gets their act together, turns on the heat in the second half and wins the game. It's not too late to turn the tables and come out at the top when the curtains for 2020 draw to a close. Let's not let this grand opportunity to reset the clock slip through our fingers.

Related article: Second Half with a Bang!

For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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