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Volume 11, Issue 31: Home Making Schedule Part IV

The hard work is behind us. Although not intense as we have seen in the earlier posts, daily maintenance and weekly cleaning carries the weight of keeping a house clean. In fact, you could call monthly cleaning the icing on the cake. However, my monthly cleaning routine addresses the areas that I wouldn't work on daily or weekly. It's really what you would do once in awhile but I prefer to spend a few minutes to do them monthly than wait for dirt and grease to set, requiring hard and time consuming deep cleaning.

  • Monthly Cleaning

My monthly cleaning list has 3 items each Saturday. If you are just joining us on this home making series, I recommend that you start with Part I down to part III first, then come back to this one. You will be glad you did.

Related Article: Home Making Schedule Part III

First Saturday of the month: Clean inside plates cabinet, wipe and organize upper pantry shelves and storage vessels, clean and organize fridge.

Second Saturday of the month: Clean inside lower cabinets, wipe and organize island drawers and cabinets, clean inside shoe cabinet.

Third Saturday of the month: Clean inside cups cabinet, wipe and organize lower pantry shelves and storage vessels, clean and organize freezer.

Fourth Saturday of the month: Clean inside upper cabinets, clean hood filters, clean behind media cabinet and behind living room seats.

Our cleaning schedule is colour-coded, marking who does which task. The daily cleaning list has a majority of the tasks done by me and the rest by the kids. The weekly cleaning list is very heavy on Fridays and light on Saturdays. My cleaning lady comes on Fridays, so the list has a lot of items done by her and a few by me. The Saturday list is dominated by the kids as this is when they do their less than half an hour weekly chores, sprucing up different parts of the house. All the items on the monthly list are done by me.

There's more to add here but the content is a lot. I don't want to make this a very long read. Let's wrap up on the subject in the next post. What's on your daily list? What's on your weekly list? What's on your monthly list? Do you have things that you do seasonally, bi-annually or annually?


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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