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Volume 12, Issue 31: Finish Strong Part II

Related Article: Finish Strong Part I

We are gleaning on the expression "It is not how you start but how you finish that counts." In the previous article, we started with the category of situations where we start seasons or projects on a high note but slack along the way. We now want to address the category of situations where we don't start seasons or projects on a high note.

It's certainly better to start things on a high note, but not starting on a high note doesn't necessarily mean that we can't finish strong. To the contrary, a sprinter or a marathon runner can come from the rear and emerge at the top. It all comes down to an individual's attitude and drive for finishing strong despite not starting well.

Sometimes we think we start something well, only to realize down the road that we didn't have the knowledge and wisdom to start well and actually made a mess of things unintentionally. So what do we do when we find out we have done badly? We soak in all the information we need and start over. With determination and zeal we can end up finishing so much stronger that we ever could have if we had started well in the first place.

It matters not how you start. It's how you finish that counts. Which areas of your life started badly or on a lousy note? Which goal(s) that you set at the beginning of this year slipped through your fingers shorty after the new year thrill? It doesn't matter how badly you have fared so far. You can start over and even finish strong. So don't throw in the towel. Don't give up on up yourself. You are worth a good finish. You deserve to finish strong.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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