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Volume 01, Issue 28: Create a Brand of Yourself

Many a times as hired hands, we do not take full responsibility for our jobs. We reason that it is not our business after all. We are paid an agreed upon wage regardless of the attention we give our job. The pay is unlikely to be increased overnight for doing a great job. But this need not be our attitude towards work. We can care for our work as though the business were ours, if only for the satisfaction of doing a job well.

Why leave the comfort of your home at the crack of dawn to be away all day doing a shoddy job, better still idling around wasting your employer’s time, not to mention, your time? If you are going to do anything in any given day, make it your best job ever. Whatever job you agree to do, do it well. Cease being satisfied with being ordinary and doing an average job. Expect more from yourself and give more. This will undoubtedly distinguish you from the crowd.

Creating a brand of yourself calls for adopting a new way of thinking. If you are employed, stop thinking of yourself as an employee and begin to view yourself as independent contractor irrespective of your level in the organization. It is the mindset of seeing yourself as a business owner that drives you to passionately deliver an extra-ordinary performance on your job. For unless you own it, notionally or in real terms, you cannot give yourself completely to a cause.

Whether you are employed by someone or working for yourself, give your best effort. If you are a sweeper, let it be said of you after you are long gone that you were the best sweeper that ever lived. Don’t be reluctant to go the extra mile; to give a task your best shot. Determine to autograph your work with excellence.

Resolve that notwithstanding your occupation, whether it’s your job - that which you have to do to earn a living; or your work - the thing you love to do and are passionate about, you will do it well.

Lillian Chebosi





0 #4 Lillian Chebosi 2011-06-10 10:41
Thank you Renney
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0 #3 Renney 2011-06-10 09:41
I love your website and the info its giving young Kenyan women! Keep it up!
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0 #2 Esther 2011-04-20 08:05
This is very true.It speaks to doing everything to the Glory of God! He is the ultimate rewarder. Let's work diligently.
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0 #1 Chacha 2011-04-15 15:38
This is so beautiful and real Lilly. Many of us think of the monthly check and ofcourse do just to ensure that the pay rolls into our bank accounts.
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