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Volume 01, Issue 30: Replenish Yourself

Many dismiss the idea of rest. They don’t think they need it. We live on the fast lane. We are in a big rush day-in day-out that we don’t have time to enjoy the simple things in life; to smell the roses, so to speak, let alone get some rest.

Many live by the notion that the devil never took a vacation, so why should they? But the devil was never meant to be anyone’s example. God took a day off and so should we. We should take it slow every now and then.

Rest is not a waste of time; it is a time to replenish and revive our vital resources. Rest gives us a burst of new energy. We get to think clearer, make better decisions, come up with fresh ideas and be nicer to be around. Sometimes the most urgent thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest.

Rest is crucial to health, just as nutrition and physical exercise are. Having failed to define what success means to us, or wrongly defined it, we are lured by the blinding ambition to rise up the ladder of success. We allow ourselves little rest especially when it comes to pursuit of professional goals. Yet at the end of the chase, our professional success will be hollow without the health and key relationships to enjoy it.

Taking time to rest is part of wholesome growth. There are times to be busy getting things done; living up to our potential, and there are times to sit back and just be. We all need to take regular breaks from life’s constant demands. With all the coming and goings, create balance for your life by intentionally including times of rest on your calendar.

Lillian Chebosi





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