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Volume 01, Issue 31: Pass on Your Learning

As I sit under great minds through books, conferences and other learning avenues, I am disciplining myself to take note of what I want to apply, what I want to change and what I want to teach. I figured there’s no point of interacting with life transforming information time and time again only to remain the same. It’s a waste of time. Whenever we pick a material to read, our main objective should be nothing short of learning something to change our lives. Change does not take place without effort. We must apply our learning for change to happen.

It is not enough to apply what we learn, we need to pass it on to others to clarify our learning and commit ourselves to change. When you pursue knowledge with the objective of teaching others, you work harder than when you learn just to benefit yourself. In the process, you get more out of your learning.

We learn better when we teach. When we learn with the intent of self-change and passing our learning to others, our concentration is enhanced and the propensity to apply our learning intensified.

As much as it’s done to benefit others, teaching profits the teacher. It clarifies your learning and commits you to change more than anything else. Teaching continually lifts the teacher to a higher level.

Since it is hypocritical to teach what you are not applying in your life, teaching keeps us accountable. Teaching what we know commits us to live out what we have learnt. The burden of being a credible example of the principles we promote accentuates as we teach.

Live with the awareness that you are here to add value to people. As you interact with people, let your attitude be to teach them something you know in order to help them come up higher.

Use your gifts and experience not just to accomplish your goals, but to help release a dream in someone else. Find something you are knowledgeable and passionate about and teach it to someone.


The beauty of knowledge is that you can give it away without losing it. In fact, the more you give away the more you gain. Joaquim Chisano, 2nd President of Mozambique.





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