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Volume 13, Issue 28: Good Days

If you are anything like me, you want your days to count for something. You want your days to be great and productive. You want to feel accomplished at the end of the day. Even on a day you have set aside for rest, you want to know that you not only rested well, but that you also ticked some productivity boxes that did not take away from your rest.

You may also be the type of person who wants to look back at your day or week and feel that you served well, and that you loved the people that were in your path. You want to feel that you showed up well, and as such honored God in the way you lived.

We are not the kind of people who are content to sit around watching shows all day when in between jobs. Rather, we are the kind of people who find and make opportunities to be productively engaged in activities that meaningfully occupy our days. We also maximize opportunities for growth and learning.

Even in a waiting season that can be challenging, we are intentional about having good days. We cultivate habits that have us do things that make us feel successful. Irrespective of the season you are currently in, consider reflecting on these questions from James Clear. "When you are living a good day, what is one habit that tends to be part of that day? Can you find time for that habit today?"


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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