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Volume 01, Issue 38: Define Your Success

What does success mean to you? Better still, what does success look like to you? In the absence of understanding, we define success by material possessions. But if everything else were to be removed from your life and you were left with just your material possessions, would you still feel fulfilled?

Success means different things to different people. But in general, success is defined by the realization of a life lived with meaning, not by the material possessions that we have to our name.

Success is determined by the fulfillment we get out of our interactions in life. It is measured by attributes such as thriving key relationships, finding joy in your daily preoccupations and living your life on purpose - doing that which you were born to do; that which brings you the greatest fulfillment; that which holds the most meaning to you.

I believe that material possessions have their place in our lives, but that place is where we should keep them. Material possessions are important in the sense that they aid our lives; but they should not define our lives.

Success is uncovered in the diligent pursuit of the things that we value. Living a life well lived is all about living your life on purpose. To be on purpose means doing what you love to do, doing what you are good at and accomplishing what is important to you. Living a successful life is about finding your place of service and giving it your best shot.


We certainly need to work hard to get wealth. But chasing after the wind of material possessions in the hope of achieving success is a futile pursuit. No amount of money is ever enough to make one happy. We overstretch ourselves in the pursuit of more material possessions to be labeled successful. But money is not what we need to be happy, hence the reason why it is never enough. You never get enough of what you don’t really need to make you happy.

Ultimately, no amount of acquisition can lastingly deliver what we long for – meaning and fulfillment. As once said by a Greek millionaire Aristotle Onasis, money and what it can buy is not the same as success. After you reach a certain point, money becomes unimportant. What matters is success.

Success has to do with finding meaning, fulfillment and happiness in your relationships and work. Find what holds the deepest meaning to you and strive to live out that meaning.

Lillian Chebosi





0 #3 Lillian Chebosi 2011-07-21 15:53
Thank you Fortune.
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0 #2 Jim Fortune 2011-07-21 13:38
Hi Lilian,

This is a great piece,I salute you and admire your determination to pursue your purpose.Keep thy hand on it,your destiny is great.

Jim Fortune.
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0 #1 Chris Rasugu 2011-06-27 20:00
Hey Lillian,

Thanks on the article , i see success as achieving what you purpose in life or work to the best of self satisfaction. Not on a comparative /(competitive) desire or on basis of corruption.

The joy in life however is being happy ,irrespective of being successful or not.


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