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Volume 01, Issue 45: Accept the Object of Your Affection

How many people can really answer the question "who am I?" Most of us define ourselves by our roles in life. I have participated in a few interviews and whenever a candidate is asked to describe him or herself, it often leaves much to be desired.

Are our academic qualifications, work experiences, and roles in life all there is to us? I beg to differ. You may be an accountant, an administrator, a doctor, a farmer, or a pastor; you may be someone’s spouse, parent, friend, or any other position you hold in society. These are great but they are not a comprehensive definition of who you are. They are just roles that you play. There’s more to who you are than these and it’s worth figuring out.

Nothing gives you confidence like knowing and accepting yourself. But some of us struggle with self-acceptance. We want to be like someone else. Are you in denial about who you really are? How will you make behavioural changes to improve yourself unless you first accept who you are? You have nothing to develop except who you are. More so, you have nothing to offer others if you don’t like what you possess, which is in who you are.

As you embark on the journey of self discovery, determine before hand to accept what you find. God did not make a mistake in designing you as you are. He endowed you appropriately and requires you to be who you are. You can only be the best at what you were made to do. Unless we love and accept the object of our affection, we will not be motivated to develop it. Connect with yourself. Be your best friend. Only when we head the list of our friendships will we build meaningful relationships.

Find the link between who you are and what you were made for. It is upon discovering who we are that we find our purpose. Nothing brings meaning to our lives more than knowing our reason for being. Discover who you are to find your purpose. Then you will find meaning in your preoccupations.

Who you are comes as a package. Alongside your strengths are weaknesses. Once you accept who you are, you will find it easier to build on your strengths and manage around your weaknesses. As you do, you will realize that your greatest room for improvement is in the area of your strengths. There’s no end to developing strength.

Upon accepting who you are, believe in your abilities. Sometimes we are immobilized by what we are not, and the things we cannot do, so much so that it keeps us from doing the things that we can do well. Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. Invest in yourself. Develop your strengths to levels of outstanding excellence. You are your most appreciable asset.

Lillian Chebosi





+1 #1 Lillian 2011-08-15 10:33
Hi Lillian,

A very powerful piece indeed that has propelled me to embark on this journey of self discovery.

Keep up the good work..

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