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Volume 02, Issue 03: Thriving to Get a Paycheck

We all get up week after week to go to work. Have you ever considered whether or not you are a willing worker? Could it be that you do your work begrudgingly? Working just for the paycheck is a waste of life, not with all the opportunities available to each one of us to make a decent living doing what we love.

The best way is to spend your day at work is to throw yourself into it with passion and choose to revel in productivity. One can only have passion for their work if they are pursuing things in the area of their natural gifting.

What makes the Proverbs 31 woman rise so early to delve into her work with such eagerness? She must love her work so much so to throw herself into it like she does and still manage to have the zeal to be wonderful to everyone in her world and excel in all other areas of her life. She not only reaps great financial gain from her work, she enjoys herself doing it.

Whatever your job is, see to it that it is something you love to do. Passion is everything when it comes to one’s occupation. It makes the difference between thriving and surviving to get a paycheck. Let all your senses be involved in the things you choose to engage in and reap a profit from. Don’t only seek to gain financial dividends but immense pleasure from the tasks you do.

Take a candid assessment of your abilities and passions and choose your work along those parameters. Develop your natural gifts into a productive craft that will be valuable to others and bring you personal joy and satisfaction. Seek to work in the area of your passion and perform with excellence, knowing that if your motivation is to bless others with your gifts, you will naturally prosper.

Live life passionately. Using your natural abilities in your work and in response to the needs around you will stir your heart. Small wonder the Proverbs 31 woman rises early and goes to bed late. She is consumed by enthusiasm. She enjoys her work and looks forward to it. If you love what you do, you will be excellent at it and others will be blessed by your contributions.

Lillian Chebosi





0 #2 Lillian Chebosi 2011-10-31 10:54
Thanks Susan. Only passion can produce such excellence.
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0 #1 Susan Karu 2011-10-28 19:39
I admire the Prov 31woman but I did not know that she is driven by passion.
This is a master piece.
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