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Volume 02, Issue 10: Finish Strong

The curtains are drawing on the year 2011. We put down our goals at the beginning of the year, and it’s now about time to evaluate how well we have done. If you are like me, this is the time you feel like slacking off, not doing much. But I challenge us to finish the year strong, just like we began strong.

The disciplines that we worked so hard and sacrificed so much to ingrain in our system should not be relegated just because it’s the holidays. Otherwise, what is the point of working so hard to get something, only to have to work just as hard for the same thing again? Habits take time to develop. Don’t lose the constructive habits you have invested time developing this year.

It is indeed time to put your feet up and rest, but if you want to go far in life, some daily disciplines must continue, amidst the holidaying. Just because it’s the holidays doesn’t mean it’s time to shelve personal development – spiritual development, personal study, healthy living, financial well being or any other disciplines you have developed in the course of the year. If you slack on your disciplines now, you may have to learn them all over again in the new year, and that’s just a waste, isn’t it? There are plenty of new things to learn. Why waste 2012 relearning the lessons you have learnt in 2011?

Let not every year come with the same challenges and lessons for you. Learn your lessons well to avail yourself for new lessons. Get over and done with the challenges you had this year to embrace good disciplines, and free yourself for new challenges in the coming year. This way, you will be growing. We can’t be struggling with waking up early or making time in the evening to invest quality time in spiritual and personal development year after year. We need to get past the basics and embark on other developments in life, with a determination to succeed.

You can’t be struggling with managing your finances year after year. Learn the lessons and move on to other lessons. There’s plenty to be learnt but unless you have learnt one lesson, you are not ready to learn another. There has to be evidence of growth in your life. If you have trained yourself to manage your finances well so that you don’t battle with brokenness in the middle of the month like you used to, then you should by no means start the coming month of January broke as is the habit of many. It would be a shame. You have strived to get your life in order. Don’t lose it in the name of the holidays. Guard it with all the stamina you have left.

You worked so hard to attain your ideal size and all those health indicators the health specialists tell us about. You don’t want to lose that just because it’s the holidays. Who said the holidays is an excuse to eat badly? Exercise self control and love yourself enough to say no to indulging in things that contaminate your system. You probably got used to an exercise regime that works for you. Slowing down now would mean having to exert lots of effort to get used to it all over again. Is it really worth it? Aren’t there other worthwhile causes to commit your efforts to learn next year? Count the cost.

So arise and make a plan for yourself for the holidays. If you don’t have your own plan, chances are you will fall into other people’s agendas. Enjoy yourself, but as you do, don’t shelve doing the things that make you feel strong and successful. Remember that whatever good thing we build end up building us.

Lillian Chebosi





0 #2 Lillian Chebosi 2011-12-13 10:29
Thanks Susan, and i like the emphasis you made
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0 #1 Susan 2011-12-10 10:56
If you find yourself in a hole you stop digging!
I refuse to wait for Jan to start.I am picking the pieces.
If the calender did not exist,how long would we wait before we started accomplishing our goals?
If there was no clock ,how long would we sleep before taking charge of our day.
The time is now.
Great piece Lillian,wisdom right there.
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