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Volume 02, Issue 19: Time is Enough

What is your relationship with time? Is it a blissful one or a miserable one? Do you often feel like you don’t have enough time to do the things that are important to you? The only time we have is the time we make use of.

We bear the sole responsibility for the employment of our time. We have to choose to either organize our time or agonize over losing it because once lost, it cannot be recovered.

A number of things compete for our time in any given day, leaving us with very limited personal time. Hence the urgency to plan and prioritize our time to make optimal use of it.

How much is your hour worth? Assign a value to your personal time. Sieve out tasks and activities that are of less value. See if there are tasks that you engage in that you find that as you do them, activities that would better add value to your life are neglected.

I concluded that some tasks and activities are not an optimal use of my time. They may be good, but they are not important to me. Being a morning person, early morning is a prime time for me; running errands for instance, isn’t an optimal way to invest it. So, I relegate such tasks to my least productive time, or delegate them. What is your prime time? Choose to spend your most productive time on activities that develop you.

Important tasks are tasks in line with our objectives. What are the important things in your life that you must determine to do first? Planning our time is mandatory if we are to get what is important done. We must find a practical balance in the employment of our time.

The abundance of activities does not imply effective use of time. Just because you are all over the place doesn’t mean you are productive where it matters. If you find yourself preoccupied with several activities, stop and reflect on the value you derive from them. If they don’t serve to develop you, find ways to limit them to a bare minimum.

One of the reasons we don’t achieve our goals is because we spend our time doing things that do not contribute to their attainment. Look out for what you can rightfully and effectively delegate to free up your time for important engagements. In addition, identify your time stealers and deal with them. Strengthen your boundaries. Also, other people’s activities must not distract you from your purpose.

Although time is never too much, it is never too little. But it is enough. Our aim should be to get to the point where we can confidently say that we have more than enough time to do the things that are important to us.

Time is what life is made of. If you love life do not squander time. Anthony Gitonga

Lillian Chebosi




0 #2 Lillian Chebosi 2012-02-21 10:34
Got you Susan....Even our jobs should be on the things we love to do and can do well, so that we are not wasting our time on things that keep us miserable. We negotiate to have the largest part of our job to be in our areas of interest.
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0 #1 Susan 2012-02-17 17:10
Hey...have you been spying on me?What if you find yourself running errands as per your employers expectations but still you have no satisfaction on your performance?
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