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Volume 01, Issue 33: Build a Team

Do you find yourself trying to pursue your dreams single-handedly, thinking that you can pull them off all by yourself? The only dream that you may accomplish by yourself must be a really small dream. But why dare to dream if all you can dream is small? It does not take more effort to dream big than to dream small. So if you are going to step out and dream, dream big! This calls for an attitude of going for what you want, not what you think is possible.

Awaken the giant within you and dream big. Big dreams attract big people. Do what is necessary to create what you want. Make deliberate efforts for what you want. Once you get this rolling, invest in excellent relationships, relationships that will take you to where you want to go.

Greatness requires the support of others and valued teamwork. When we speak of greatness, it must refer to something bigger than we are and lives on after we are gone. It therefore requires more than just us to execute. One of our key roles is to inspire other like-minded people to the cause.

You must appreciate that you are not alone in what you are trying to accomplish and heed the urgency to build a team. Other people can help you do a better job than you would do single handedly. Identify them and begin to build vital relationships with them.

Lillian Chebosi





0 #3 Renney 2011-06-10 09:44
Nothing can work without a good team to work with!
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0 #2 Lillian Chebosi 2011-05-23 08:55
That is true Chacha. The tragedy in life does not lie in not attaining your dream. The real tragedy of life is not having a dream to reach for.
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0 #1 Chacha 2011-05-22 10:46
I love this. When i was a little boy, my dad used to tell me how he wished i grew up to the most respectable person in the village. I took that as an encouragement and a stepping stone to my career success and life in general. For the last few years, i have been able to achieve things that i attribute to dreaming big.

Thanks for the nice article on dreaming big. I urge all people to think of tomorrow and dream big. It is better to dream big than not dream at all. We can do everything possible through Jesus Christ who strengthens us.....
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