Volume 13, Issue 32: Radical Acceptance

There comes a time for some of us when we realize that something we have been fixated on changing or improving isn't going to change. When we come to that realization, we admit to ourselves that we have been living in denial, trying so hard to fix or change something that we will never be able to fix or change.

Radical acceptance is when you accept the situations in your life for what they are, and when you accept the people in your life for who they are and how they carry themselves. Radical acceptance is when you throw your hands in the air and say, "It is what it is."

I like how Cathy Morenzie, a leader in health and wellness industry put it in her post yesterday. "Here's what we need to accept so that we can move forward proactively:

  • Accept where you are in your life without making yourself right or wrong
  • Accept the choices you have made in your life
  • Accept your habits, behaviors, and patterns
  • Accept all the mistakes you continue to make
  • Accept that you're 100% responsible for how you feel right now, and at every given moment
  • Accept that you're unable to change yourself
  • Accept the things in your life that may never change
  • Accept that it's your subconscious feelings and emotions that keep you stuck
  • Accept that God is in control and He will work in your favor.

When you accept everything about your life, without judgement or rationalizations, that's when you can truly humble yourself and move through the messy middles."


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi