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Volume 02, Issue 36: Personal Makeover V: Finances

Money is won or lost at the habits level. Are your habits winning you money or losing you money? Should you be losing, consider giving your financial habits a makeover.

Are you often finding yourself with more month at the end of the money? This certainly creates a sense of insecurity. Refuse to be ruled by impulse but rather make wise and responsible choices concerning your finances. Separate your needs from your wants. Be honest with yourself and partner with God to create security for your future by watching how you spend today.

Some of us have to reconsider our definition of wealth. Acquiring toys of heavy spending is perceived wealthy even when our large cashflows are directed to waste instead of wealth creation. People may label you rich because of your heavy spending habits. However, wealth is not defined by the effortless flow of cash, rather the quantity of money you are controlling.

Cultivate a savings and investments culture. Your wealth is measured by the length of time you can live at the same standard of life you have today after retiring from active work. How wealthy are you today? How many days would you be able to live at your current standard of life if you retired from active work today? The more you save and invest from your daily earnings the more wealthy you are.

Let your money work for you. Find investment opportunities that are within your risk bargain. It’s a good thing to save but you are better off putting your money where it can grow. Your regular savings account may be yielding you a merger 1% interest, while your savings could yield more than 10% in better savings plans, and even much more in investment options.

Are you stuck up with credit card impulse spending and debt? How about non-developmental loans here and there? Decide to take control of your finances and do some plastic surgery. Cut up unnecessary credit cards. Desist from purchasing more than you can pay for when the statement comes. Get out of debt. Set up a plan to pay up your non-developmental loans in the shortest time possible.

Put your financial house in order. Pay your tithe first, invest, and set up an emergency fund. Aim to grow it to cover about twelve months of your monthly budget in case you find yourself out of work or unable to earn an income for a season. Be on top of your money, from how you spend on minor to major purchases. Prepare a budget and stick to your budget no matter what temptations bring your way.

Lillian Chebosi




Volume 02, Issue 35: Personal Makeover IV: Physical Wellness

We all need our physique to deliver on our goals. Sometimes we take our health for granted. We don’t know how vital health is until we are on a sick bed. Has paying attention to your health been relegated to the back seat as you pursue your dreams? You are doing your future a disservice by lacking the discipline to eat healthy, keep fit, and rest.

Health is largely a product of lifestyle. Other than non-modifiable factors of genes, inborn defects, and age, health is determined by diet, exercise, rest, social, and emotional environment. Genes may load the trigger, but it is lifestyle that pulls it.

Diet is a very personal choice. As you make choices of what to eat throughout the day, keep in mind that what you eat, and how much you eat has a lasting effect on your health.

What you feed your body determines its useful life. Take care of your body and it will work for you for a long time. Consider making eating a healthy diet a lifetime goal. Though we have desires, they should not rule over us. We can exercise self-control in this area.

Exercise: The reality of life is, as most of us grow older, our metabolism will need us to partner with it to keep it going. Engage in some form of physical activity – it could be walking, swimming, working out at home or at the gym, housework, playing with your children. Do something. See what works best for you, what you will be consistent with and go for it.

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired with how you look and feel? That is all you need to embark on a health makeover. As you do, have your priorities in the right place. The ultimate goal for eating well and working out is not to be tiny, but to become and stay healthy. You will also reap additional benefits of feeling good and up to peak performance, being strong and fit, and last but not least, looking good.

Rest: We allow ourselves little rest especially when it comes to pursuit of professional goals. Yet at the end of the chase, our professional success will be hollow without the health and key relationships to enjoy it. Know your physical limitations and take the time to rest.

Constantly being on the go adds up to high stress levels that cause the body to rebel against us. Most health problems are now being associated not just to diet but our heightened stress levels. Our bodies are pleading with us to slow down, yet many are guilty of ignoring the warning signs. Well, if you don’t listen to your body, it will still have the last say. Find ways to slow down your life. Take a moment and enjoy doing absolutely nothing every now and then.

You may think that you can’t afford to take so much time away from your duties, real or imagined. The truth of the matter is, you can’t afford not to rest. God took time to rest. Shouldn’t we follow his example and call all activity to a halt and rest? Find out what promotes rest and relaxation for you and be sure to indulge in it to restore your body.

Mentally, learn how to disconnect from your work once you leave it. Find a way to hit the off button in your mind and refuse to over-think issues. Stop and take time to think about absolutely nothing.

Lillian Chebosi

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Volume 02, Issue 34: Personal Makeover III: Image

For most opportunities in life, you have only one shot to get the attention of the people with the power to promote you. You’ve got to be ready for the camera when the lights go on. When opportunity meets preparation, things happen - doors open, favour is released, a promotion is extended to you, a proposal is made to you – if you know how to dress the part.

Some of us don’t place much emphasis to our physical appearance. How you look, in terms of the attire and accessories you present yourself in before people in a position to advance your standing in life matters. People look at what is obvious to the eye. Your exterior should complement the genius you present to the table. The first impression people get of you may determine whether or not they extend to you the opportunity you are qualified for.

What we wear says a lot about us. What is the image you would like to leave behind? Present that image going in. Most of us dress outstandingly once in a while, maybe twice in a week, then for the rest of the week, anything goes. If this is your style, it’s confusing. Decide what your style is and customize your wardrobe accordingly, so that whichever day of the week it is, you are presenting the same polished look.

Most of us wear clothes that don’t flatter our form. Invest in an image consultant to help you determine what shapes work best for your body type and size; the fabric, and the colour shades that match you skin tone. This insight goes a long way in boosting your confidence in your image.

Dress in a way that causes others to look twice, though nothing you are wearing should be screaming for attention. What counts is the colour, the fabric, and the fit. Well-fitting garments – neither tight nor loose, always look better. Avoid trendy pieces and cheap imitations. Keep it real and classic. Classic cuts stand the test of time. They are never out of style and always look good.

This type of dressing can be achieved at any price point. Wherever you shop, the same high-level look can be achieved. It’s simply a matter of taste and some discerning choices about fabric and cut.

We see ladies who insist on wearing high heels that they cannot walk in. Buy shoes that don’t throw your posture out of line and you can walk gracefully in. Some of us are flat-footed. Pick shoes that complement your line of legs.

Don’t ignore the little things that complete your toilette – a good manicure and pedicure, and finished brows. If you wear makeup, stick with a classic, natural look. Take care in matching skin tones and find one that looks natural. Makeup should be an enhancer, not a mask.

Find the look that’s great for you and stick with it - classic, simple and contemporary, while always exhibiting a high-level look. Always dress from your head to your toes as if you are one complete picture. Everything should work in harmony to put you in the best light.

Treat your clothing and accessories as investments - investments in your image. Keep a fine wardrobe. It shouldn’t matter the occasion, you can maintain the same high level look with formal, smart casual, or casual wear.

Lillian Chebosi

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Volume 02, Issue 33: Personal Makeover II: Relationships

It’s worthwhile to take stock of our relationships every now and then, see which of them we want to keep, which ones we want to rearrange, and the ones we want to flush out.

In evaluating your relationships, make a list of people you want to emulate – the characteristics you admire about them; those who inspire you and how they inspire you; those who are toxins to flush out; those who are hindrances - obstacles in your life; those who are distractions - a waste of your time; and the friends you want to hold on to.

The goal of personal renovation for relationships is to develop excellent relationships. Some of us hang on to relationships that no longer serve us, sometimes even to ones that are clearly detrimental to our well being. We need to shake off the false sense of responsibility and love ourselves enough to only be in relationships that are taking us somewhere.

Disentangle yourself from dead-end business relationships. When you realize that your input is constantly not being reciprocated by those in your mastermind group, maybe it’s time to find yourself another group, one that will take you to the next level in business. Sometimes we need to get ourselves a mastermind group of people at a higher level than ourselves, to take us to a higher level in our thinking.

Find yourself mentors and coaches, people who will walk alongside you to spur you to stretch to your potential and experience transformation in various areas of your life. Connect with mature and experienced personalities who will usher you to the next level and hold you accountable. Find mentors for the various areas in the wheel of life - relationships, spiritual growth and transformation, financial soundness, career and business, and so on. Don’t walk alone. Let there be a burning torch in every area of your life.

Are you single and constantly going out for coffee dates with one or multiple suitors? Where is that relationship going, is there an end in mind, or is the person you are relating with taking you for a ride? Don’t waste your time and emotions in pointless relationships. Love yourself enough to do dating with purpose. Be in relationships that are taking you to your desired destination. Don’t allow others play around with you. Know the value of your heart and body, and keep yourself pure. Don’t compromise your standards. Be willing to wait for the right moment to awaken love.

Sometimes we carry people along with us whose time in our lives has expired. Realize that some people come into your life just for a season. Release them, and free yourself for new relationships in the different seasons of your life. Some relationships are nothing but a pain but we feel we have to hang on to them. Apart from your spouse and children, you have no obligation to keep someone in your life indefinitely.

Throw out all the baggage. Be in relationships where you are celebrated, not tolerated. Surround yourself with the right support system, not a wrecking crew. Surround yourself with those who see and nurture your gifts and exhort you to be better than you already are.

Are there vital relationships in your life that you need to mend and repair? Are there some key relationships that you have neglected over time that you need to restore? Do you have any worn out and rusted important relationships that you need to give new to life to – fix up and refurbish? It’s your call. Don’t wait for the other parties to make the first move. Take responsibility to develop excellent relationships for yourself and others.

Lillian Chebosi


Volume 02, Issue 32: Personal Makeover I

Depending on our personalities, some of us hold on to things that no longer serve us, things that basically belong in the trash bin. Some of us hold on to the first bank accounts we ever opened when we got our first job or joined college, even when the bank is inefficient and has been outgrown by our needs. For some its old furniture, clothes, and if you are like me, you may still have your exercise books from college, if not high school!

We renovate our houses and offices from time to time; and sometimes we do a wardrobe makeover to give ourselves a new look. People are now doing metabolism makeover among other popular makeovers. But what about personal renovation? Just like renovating a house adds value to it, there certainly is value addition in taking time to take stock of our lives every now and then, see what we want to keep and what we want to throw out.

We see buildings under renovation covered up with sisal bags or iron sheets and wait in anticipation for the big reveal. When the covers are finally removed, we marvel at the transformation the building attains. Depending on where you are, it may be time to put up a mental sign that you are under renovation.

Personal renovation works wonders from the inside out. It has to do with all areas of life. Part of it is our relationships, finances, image, attitudes, the things we value, our habits, our lifestyles, our health, the way we spend our time, our preoccupations, the list is endless.

Is it time to build a better you? Consider asking yourself the following questions reflectively:

  • Which areas of my life do I need to mend?
  • Which areas of my life do I need to repair?
  • Which areas of my life do I need to restore?
  • Which areas of my life do I need to fix up?
  • Which areas of my life do I need to refurbish?

Then take action. Build a better you.

Lillian Chebosi